diff --git a/LinkedIn - Demo Form Autofill.html b/LinkedIn - Demo Form Autofill.html
index a36dd61..b584ce8 100644
--- a/LinkedIn - Demo Form Autofill.html
+++ b/LinkedIn - Demo Form Autofill.html
@@ -15,16 +15,20 @@
newInput.setAttribute('id', tagName + '-flag');
newInput.style.display = 'none';
newInput._value = newInput.value;
- Object.defineProperty(newInput, "value", {
- get: function() { return this._value; },
- set: function(v) {
+ Object.defineProperty(newInput, 'value', {
+ get: function () {
+ return this._value;
+ },
+ set: function (v) {
this._value = v;
- }
+ },
fillScript.setAttribute('data-field-' + tagName, tagName + '-flag');
- };
+ },
+ linkedInAutofillClicked = false;
// style the holder div
iframeHolderDiv.style.textAlign = 'center';
iframeHolderDiv.style.margin = '10px 0px';
@@ -54,10 +58,15 @@
// requires
hiddenInputCreator('email', function (newValue) {
// fire the GA event for autofill
- console.log("%s value changed to %s", this.ID, newValue);
+ console.log('%s value changed to %s', this.ID, newValue);
+ // this sets the flag to ID an autofill event. We are
+ // gating this on email since it's the only guaranteed
+ // field that we can't see on screen so can't be set by
+ // a user directly...
+ linkedInAutofillClicked = true;
hiddenInputCreator('country', function (newValue) {
- console.log("%s value changed to %s", this.ID, newValue);
+ console.log('%s value changed to %s', this.ID, newValue);
// map to the country we have in our select dropdown
var countries = {
US: 'United States',
@@ -260,15 +269,17 @@
ZM: 'Zambia',
ZW: 'Zimbabwe',
+ var newCountry = '{{JS - ISO Country Code to EVBG Country Name}}(newValue)';
// sets the value in the form the user can see
if (typeof MktoForms2 !== 'undefined') {
- 'Country': countries[newValue.toUpperCase()]});
+ Country: /*countries[newValue.toUpperCase()]*/ newCountry
+ });
- hiddenInputCreator('state', function(newValue){
+ hiddenInputCreator('state', function (newValue) {
- 'State': newValue.toUpperCase()
+ State: newValue.toUpperCase()
@@ -305,34 +316,31 @@
// add the elements to the DOM
- firstRow.appendChild(hiddenLinkedInInputs); // fragment vaporizes leaving input elements
+ firstRow.appendChild(hiddenLinkedInInputs); // fragment vaporizes leaving input elements
if (typeof MktoForms2 !== 'undefined') {
MktoForms2.whenReady(function (form) {
// need the id of the form so we can hook up autofill
// doing this way will work on any Marketo form
fillScript.setAttribute('data-form', 'mktoForm_' + form.getId());
- mktoForm = form;
+ mktoForm = form; // so we can use it above
form.onSubmit(function (form) {
- console.log('onSubmit');
- console.log(form.vals());
- });
- form.onSuccess(function (values, followUpURL) {
- console.log('onSuccess LI');
- // tell GA about it, but only if we set the hidden email field since we know LI should have that
- if (input.value.length && input.value.indexOf('@') !== -1) {
- var eventData = {
- category: 'LinkedIn Form AutoFill',
- action: 'mktoForm_' + form.getId() + '-', // will automatically set dlv-action which we'll pass to form id to name mapper in event submit in GTM
- label: [
- values.Company,
- values.Industry,
- values.Country,
- values.Title,
- '{{Page Path}}',
- 'gclid:' + '{{JS - GA Client ID}}',
- ].join(' | '),
- };
+ // tell GA about it, but only if we know they autofilled
+ if (linkedInAutofillClicked) {
+ var values = form.getValues(),
+ eventData = {
+ category: 'LinkedIn Form AutoFill',
+ action: 'mktoForm_' + form.getId() + '-', // will automatically set dlv-action which we'll pass to form id to name mapper in event submit in GTM
+ label: [
+ values.Company,
+ values.Industry,
+ values.Title,
+ values.Country,
+ values.State,
+ '{{Page Path}}',
+ 'gclid:' + '{{JS - GA Client ID}}',
+ ].join(' | '),
+ };
// 'eventData' automatically maps to the GTM variables 'dlv - category', 'dlv - action', etc.
@@ -353,4 +361,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
+ data-field-title="Title">-->